The space being built in the Berol plant will be about $14 a square foot on a net basis.
Analysts said that, except for an extraordinary gain, the airline would have posted a large loss in the quarter on a net basis.
On a net basis the company earned $209.9 million in the quarter last year.
Since 1982, 196,000 people have left New York State on a net basis.
"I know the stock is down today, but remember it went up $6.375 yesterday, so it is still ahead on a net basis."
In that same decade, 17 million new jobs, on a net basis, were created in the United States.
If you assume a 5 percent growth rate, that gets you to $30 a square foot on a net basis.
"On a net basis we feel we are going to be hiring many more people this year," he said.
"On a net basis, it is definitely a positive for Qualcomm."
The return for those companies on a net annualized basis is 50.6 percent.