This year's list saw 47 city schools removed and 28 added, for a net decrease of 19.
For next year financing is expected to remain steady, with minor changes and an overall net decrease of $5,000.
There was a net decrease of 9.6 decrease in deaths per 1000 live births.
It terms of overall federal spending, the result would be a net decrease.
Otherwise, there is net decrease in overall spending, and we get a downturn.
In 2010, the company estimated that it would serve 26,674 participants (a net decrease of 22%.)
At the end of each month, the house with the greatest net decrease wins a prize.
However, any net decrease in spending from these sources is certain to be temporary and likely to be minor.
The council recorded a net decrease in its population of 4.2% between 1991-2001, about 27 people per annum.
This is thought to partly offset the net decrease of 80-100 observed during glacial periods.