Population growth from net immigration is quite high, at 0.52% of population in 2004.
In 2009, positive net immigration into the city was shown for the first time in 15 years.
In 2012, net immigration was 47 300, a national record high.
Reduced rents can only happen when they build more property at a rate to keep up with net immigration.
There was strong net immigration between 1821 and 1851, averaging over 500 a year.
I do wonder how you balance constant net immigration with a fixed amount of land.
According to the estimates, which were released this month, the net international immigration to Nassau was 28,993.
Census figures show that net immigration from Mexico is about 1,000 people a day, he said.
Indeed, figures to be published this week will show that over the 13-year lifetime of the last Labour government, net immigration was three million.
Subsequently the trend declined as economic conditions improved, to the point where there was net immigration in the years between 1982 and 1985.