The series was introduced in September 2008 amidst the growing popularity of low-cost netbook computers introduced by competitors.
Intel's Classmate PC is the company's first low-cost netbook computer.
Zelybron created a netbook sized computer which compares to regular PCs.
A smartbook was a class of mobile device that combined certain features of both a smartphone and netbook computer, promoted in 2009 and 2010.
Windows 7 has several editions, which acknowledge the rise of netbook computers with reduced processing power.
Full-time high school students may borrow a netbook computer from the school for a fee of $25.
The growing popularity of the small netbook computer is in part due to the fact that it is ideally suited to take advantage of cloud computing.
The small processor is focused on low-power, cheap netbook computers.
For a lighter, more briefcase-friendly device, you might consider a netbook computer.
It was marketed as a "lifestyle PC", although they share many characteristics with netbook computers.