He rebounded, the breath knocked out of him, and fell to the floor, gasping like a netted fish.
The man struggled in the folds of the tarry material like a netted fish.
Scales, from which age may be determined, are taken from netted fish, both males and females.
The font, located to the left of the south door, is elaborately decorated with netted fish and water lilies and was installed at the time reconstruction.
They lay limp and gasping like netted fish.
He found himself in a corridor that lacked floor or ceiling or walls, a thin light that he swam through like a netted fish seeking to escape its trap.
Grant was flopping around like a netted fish when the referee, Arthur Mercante Jr., waved his arms.
I wanted to toss like a netted fish.
He sat there on the ground as helpless as a netted fish.
Anyhow, she set off marching up to the main hall, wet skirts flopping round her knees like the flap of a netted fish drowning in air.