Issues to Be Settled But even for those sympathetic to the concept, nettlesome questions remain.
"The Baby Dance" ends where it does, I venture, because Ms. Anderson has no answers to those nettlesome questions.
But nettlesome questions also remain on air-launched cruise missiles and sea-launched cruise missiles, not to mention difficult verification issues.
Moreover, Major temporarily defused the nettlesome question of Britain's place in European integration.
At issue in the dispute was, at one level, the nettlesome question of seniority in the tradition-bound Senate.
Perhaps the most nettlesome question for the Gore campaign is how to take advantage of the humming economy.
His work cuts across many genres, and includes books of social history that raise nettlesome questions of human rights.
Look for more nettlesome questions like this to come up as the Legislature starts getting headaches trying to sort all this out.
It was not the moment for nettlesome questions.
But if posts remain unfilled, the encounter could devolve into a series of nettlesome questions.