Officials in Guangxi hope that a new network of expressways will attract companies and stimulate the economy there.
More significantly, from Fox's point of view, the network has been attracting the "right" kind of viewers: young ones.
With a retail audience, the network could more easily promote its television programs and attract viewers and, in turn, advertisers.
The professional networks attract an estimated 1.2 million views.
Black and Hispanic networks have always attracted the bulk of the advertising and viewers for ethnic television.
In the last decade, financial networks have attracted more attention from the research community.
Even so, Fox is almost sure to be involved, largely because of the younger audience the network attracts.
Habbo's social network attracts millions of teenagers a week from all over the world.
The network has attracted a local and international audience with its playlist.
The three networks usually attract less than 65 percent of the overall television viewing on Monday nights.