In their place would be a new network called The CW.
Most are built from simple two-port networks called "sections".
The first international networks, called clubs, generally consisted of ten firms in different countries.
The private network, called D-2, will compete with the ministry's D-1 system.
A top 40 network called "The Heat" also existed, but little historical information is available for this network.
In the following days he conspired further, building up a network called "the Reksten circle" of people from the resistance movement.
Until 1991, the global network now called the Internet was a government project, designed for use by scientists and the military.
Constraints among tasks are expressed in form of networks, called task networks.
The second was a social network that became very popular called MySpace.
The signal can be sent individually or with other signals through a special network - called a 'fieldbus'.