(The network will of course also devote considerable time to plugging its own entertainment, news and sports programs.)
The networks each devote $500 million a year worth of advertising time to promote themselves.
Instead of broadcasting programs like "Survivor," the networks could devote more time to genuine "reality" programs.
The three networks devoted a combined 14.5 minutes a night on the Administration during the three months after President Clinton's inauguration in January 1993.
In tandem with the ratings, the amount of time the networks have been devoting to the conventions has also been dropping.
Since 1972, though, the number of hours the networks have devoted to convention reporting has steadily declined.
The networks won't devote all that time to correspondents standing in front of world capital landmarks, narrating foreign rituals.
The network will devote an hour of prime time on each Wednesday and two hours on each Thursday.
The network was filming one of its "MTV Unplugged" specials at a Sony studio on West 54th Street and was devoting this one to the spoken word.
The Academy suggested, in essence, that the networks devote more resources to programming and less to sniping at the competition.