NBC has about a half a rating point margin over Fox among viewers between 18 and 49, the category both those networks use to determine who is truly the network leader.
As a result, several network leaders grumbled that their first broadcasts faced a "tree falling in the forest" problem.
The workshop was successfully conducted, which was participated in by network leaders, telecentre knowledge workers and stakeholders from all over Asia.
NBC, the longtime network leader in reaching younger audiences, is watching the Fox network rapidly erode its lead in this most lucrative part of the television business.
It is why even the on-line network leader, America Online, as well as Microsoft, are overhauling and expanding their Web sites.
That would surely represent a shot across the bow of NBC, which has long been the network leader in that young adult group.
Vukelić arrived in Yokohama, Japan on February 11, 1933, and reported to Richard Sorge, the network leader reporting to the Soviet Intelligence.
It also suggests changes to state law that would establish a relationship between the councils and the network leaders who oversee schools.
And although the network leaders repeatedly described the action as voluntary, it got a swift kick from the telecommunications legislation passed earlier this year.
Teachers know the principal, of course, and often the network leader who oversees their school.