For another, the networks tend to propagate innovations so quickly that 'first use' is often impossible to pin down.
Women's informal and formal networks tend toward care work that is often considered apolitical.
Loneliness is often a factor, as social networks tend to shrink as the years go on.
For small values of threshold, the network tends to be fully connected and does not exhibit scale free distribution.
Men's sexual networks, in particular, tend to be quite extensive, a fact that is tacitly accepted or even encouraged by many communities.
Large networks today tend to have a large number of entry points (for performance, failover, and other reasons).
Sias also believes that the networks have "tended to over-order the programs we buy for each season.
These networks tend to air substantially more domestic programming in primetime than their English counterparts.
But networks tended to run the public service announcements very late at night or early Sunday mornings, not during valuable prime time.
Its network of corridors tended to creep sideways so needed frequent repair.