In a standard wireless network, all networked devices communicate with a central wireless access point.
Once you get the hang of it, you might keep all of your media files on a networked device.
By now, the tendrils of its spreading consciousness reached every networked device on the planet.
People need to be made aware that you cannot fully trust any networked device.
And I think it's still worth making a big deal out of this, if only to educate the public that any networked device can be exploited.
Youtube, for instance, is a common plug-in available on most networked devices.
Projects can be made for the context of the gallery, the public, the web or networked devices.
Increased complexity may also increase maintenance costs for networked devices.
We're approaching 9 billion people in the world and if half of them get a networked device we're in trouble.
It's actually ten times as good if you're talking about some sort of networked device like a fax machine.