"Here's the damper circuit; we have to watch we don't introduce reverberating cycles into the random neural paths."
A certain absolute bulk of brain was necessary, no matter what the size of the animal, so as to afford a wealth of associative neural paths.
The roads are built, we die on them and live by them, neural paths made actual.
No thought, no effort, just a sudden snapping into awareness, chasing glittering tendrils up and down her neural paths.
All too soon Beverly was awakened by a computer page: "Doctor, we've finished tracing Lorens Ben's neural paths."
It is evident that its expression depends on neural paths arising in close association with the telencephalic and diencephalic centers concerned with respiration.
"I have located the neural path that maintains contact with the Borg central mind," Data said finally.
Oh, he'd learned rapidly-some faint neural paths were still left, easing the job of learning.
Thus, psychological and physical stress excite different neural path.
It distorted all her neural paths, even reached into her implant memories and scrambled them.