These symptoms vary from extremely mild neurological events (e.g. unusual sensations) to uncontrolled tonic-clonic seizures.
I must take issue with the suggestion that many, if not most, complex-behavior parasomnias are neurological events.
Toilet training is a high-end function; it's a complex neurological event.
In rare cases, stuttering may be acquired in adulthood as the result of a neurological event such as a head injury, tumour, stroke, or drug use.
In 1994, The New England Journal of Medicine published a landmark study that demonstrated unequivocally that migraine attacks resulted from a series of complex neurological events.
Sensation is the function of the low-level biochemical and neurological events that begin with the impinging of a stimulus upon the receptor cells of a sensory organ.
It is likely, then, that the neurological events associated with mefloquine have a biochemical basis.
Several associations with neurological events have been made, namely affective and anxiety disorders, hallucinations, sleep disturbances, psychosis, toxic encephalopathy, convulsions and delirium.
(The enlightenment always comes, we remember, in the form of a new energy process, a physical, neurological event.)