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But throughout the planning, the central concern remained the babies' neurological status.
Because of their depressed neurological status, all patients were maintained on mechanical ventilation.
Thus it is a valuable measure of a patient's medical and neurological status.
The patient's vital signs and neurological status are closely monitored.
The latter allows for direct monitoring of neurological status by intra-operative verbal contact and testing of grip strength.
Physical examination including the presence or development of ascites and evaluation of neurological status were performed at least every four hours.
They insisted on knowing about her general health, and even her neurological status, as well as her gynecological history.
The animals given saline demonstrated a poor functional neurological status and showed no significant improvements.
In the examination, the pediatrician will assess the baby's neurological status by evaluating slightly abnormal versions of what would be the reponses of ordinary infants.
As soon as she's awake, we'll assess her neurological status.