Dr. Malhotra is a neurology resident at the University of Pennsylvania Medical Center in Philadelphia.
Thanks to the EMTs' call, a neurology resident and a cardiology resident were on hand when she arrived.
One of the neurology residents also had reservations about the provisional diagnosis.
The neurology resident had been able to cut through the bureaucratic red tape and smooth the way.
She eventually wound up as a neurology resident at Princeton-Plainsboro Teaching Hospital, and since her parents also lived near Princeton, she started living with them again.
While Denise was still a medical student she had met and had been dazzled by a neurology resident who had skillfully manipulated her feelings.
But then, a month later, the original first-year neurology resident from Baltimore called.
The neurology resident went over Jack with utmost care.
"The one thing I do recommend is that you be observed overnight," the neurology resident said.
She was a neurology resident at a big hospital in Chicago.