They suggested that all sufferers undergo a thorough analysis of their neuromuscular functions, especially their breathing capacity and the muscles that are giving them trouble.
The main sign of vitamin E deficiency is fragility and shortened survival of red blood cells and possibly a decline in neuromuscular function.
Recent studies involve neuromuscular function.
Treating Down's syndrome with synthetic human growth hormone produces normal height and neuromuscular function.
In normal neuromuscular function, a nerve impulse is carried down the axon (the long projection of a nerve cell) from the spinal cord.
Medical involvement was mainly in the background, but it included expert knowledge of abnormal neuromuscular function and its alleviation.
Intravenous calcium gluconate, because the actions of magnesium in neuromuscular and cardiac function are antagonized by calcium.
During the second phase, in the 1960s, early surgery for the spinal lesion of spina bifida provided the best chance of preserving neuromuscular function.
All had normal neuromuscular function and were healthy according to history, physical examination, and laboratory tests.
The times to OA and to spontaneous recovery of neuromuscular function were also compared between groups by the unpaired Student t test.