Brain plasticity is essentially the ability of the brain to develop new neuronal connections.
But inasmuch as no two people have had the same experiences, each of us has a unique matrix of memories and neuronal connections.
This represents a huge, infrequent, reduction in neuronal connections.
One way to follow neuronal connections is to label the neurons with fluorescent probes.
Many similar structures and basic functions exist between the two types of neuronal connections.
In neurophysiological studies, it's used to determine neuronal connections along gray matter tracts.
In a sense, the brain is learning by establishing new neuronal connections for things that have been learned.
It does not, however, provide clues about the type of rules that would organize neuronal connections to permit language competence.
The Friday mappings were the result of the strengthening of existing neuronal connections.
The number of neuronal connections in the human brain (estimated at 10)