Such regulation of blood flow is beneficial to neuronal function because it prevents certain particles in the blood from entering the brain.
This provides hope for restoring neuronal function in patients with RTT.
Many of the conspicuous features of aging reflect a decline in neuronal function.
Researchers have found many areas in neuronal function that alter due to chronic alcohol exposure.
A new report shows how such mice are being used to explore neuronal function and development.
The result is neuropathy, a gradual dying of axons, synapses and other structures essential for neuronal function.
Communication between astrocytes and neurons is very important in neuronal function.
High levels of quinolinic acid can lead to hindered neuronal function or even apoptotic death.
This could be detrimental to neuronal function and possibly result in the manifestation of dementia.
Fatty acids play an important role in normal brain development as well as maintaining proper neuronal function.