The main purpose and effects of dopamine are evasive because dopamine alters neuronal responses to other neurons that are connected by synapses.
Libet argued that data suggested that we retrospectively "antedate" the beginning of a sensation to the moment of the primary neuronal response.
Using bifurcation analysis, different oscillatory varieties of these neuronal models can be determined, allowing for the classification of types of neuronal responses.
People with schizophrenia often have deficits in gating the neuronal response of the P50 wave.
Olfactory receptors interact with odorant molecules in the nose, to initiate a neuronal response that triggers the perception of a smell.
It is important to note that, despite comments in the literature to the contrary (see above), divisive inhibition of neuronal responses cannot arise from shunting inhibition.
In deprived cortex neuronal responses to spared whiskers are enhanced, and responses to deprived whiskers are weakened.
A more sophisticated mathematical technique for performing such a reconstruction is the method of maximum likelihood based on a multivariate distribution of the neuronal responses.
When the same stimulus is presented multiple times, the neuronal response decreases over time; when a different stimulus is presented, the response recovers.
Because the sequence of action potentials generated by a given stimulus varies from trial to trial, neuronal responses are typically treated statistically or probabilistically.