However, he added that it "sometimes rises to a compelling portrait of a neurotic personality".
Schreker, a contemporary of Schoenberg, lacked his colleague's sense of historic adventure, not to mention the dark, neurotic personality.
Have difficulty dealing with stress, anxiety, or worry (neurotic personality).
He has a neurotic personality and elitist attitude.
"Dependent personality, probably neurotic, could get vicious when crossed," he said aloud, then laughed.
Consequently, a neurotic personality is less apt to forgive or to have a disposition of forgivingness.
He said only that we could infer from especially neurotic personalities a great deal about normal ones, since we are all a little neurotic.
Harvey is a vain, neurotic personality.
He said unsteadily: "As a neurotic personality, he won't require that it be true.
This is a cause for his neurotic personality.