It "considered the joint action proposed contrary to the Washington treaty and desired to maintain a neutral attitude."
The latter preserved a neutral attitude, informing the captain-general of the condition.
The Army liaison tried to maintain a neutral attitude, but he was too candid.
Denounced by John Knox, he maintained a neutral religious attitude.
He found a neutral attitude in Biblical suicides, followed by later ambivalence, and then the cry for help indicative of modern times.
This involves looking at whether the writer or speaker has a neutral attitude, which can be seen through the use of positive or negative language.
As a representative of the press, Clyde felt a neutral attitude toward the whole scene.
In addition the neutral attitude of his Russian counterpart Putin must be uncomfortable.
Sixty-five percent had a favorable, or at least neutral, attitude, a margin that Toyota considers a victory.
Democrats and liberals, primarily, criticized the committee for not having a neutral attitude toward labor.