Rich colors splash against neutral backdrops.
It's a neutral backdrop for thrilling food.
Architects nowadays argue that museums should interact with art; they should not be neutral backdrops in the modernist tradition of the white cube.
Employees lacked a neutral backdrop for creating clothes and the physical space to collaborate across product lines.
The cocoonlike dining room is a neutral backdrop for thrilling food.
He would use a neutral backdrop and long exposures to bring out the shine or texture of the vegetables, which were often presented unscrubbed.
We could have aped the existing building on a larger scale, which we thought was wrong, or we could do a neutral backdrop.
The quiet dining room of this tiny French seafood restaurant provides a neutral backdrop for thrilling food.
Over the years the collages developed an abstract simplicity, evidenced by black or somber colors and rectangular shapes isolated against a neutral backdrop.
Taken from Medina's left side, it shows her standing naked in front of a neutral backdrop.