Mr. McConnell, the parents' lawyer, said he saw no such problem as long as the aid was available to students in any school on a neutral basis.
There is a project to revise school curricula to represent the diverse religions in Georgia on a more neutral basis than done in recent years.
But she predicted that the electronic nose might provide some neutral scientific basis for comparing smells.
The university's students had decided that the $1,000 scholarships should be doled out on a "gender neutral" basis.
Encouraged industries generally receive favourable tax treatment whilst those in the Permitted category are treated on a quite neutral basis.
Miller carried an unsuccessful legal challenge to the redistricting to the United States Supreme Court, insisting district lines should be drawn on a politically neutral basis.
Heimann's model should enable tutors to analyze their lessons on a strictly empirical and at first neutral basis in order to make didactic decisions more transparent.
The tender procedures were not evaluated on a neutral basis.
Other donors work on a more neutral basis, where multiple donors provide grants in countries accessible by all parties for various aims defined by the recipients.
Skillful diplomacy was needed in establishing a friendly if not neutral basis of relations with the Byzantine Empire, which had expansionary goals in the early 11th century.