Since the institute maintains a neutral standpoint on the subject, they chose the term "biotech" as being less inflammatory than "genetically modified" or "transgenic."
"They help to confirm, from a neutral standpoint, what's happening to a child as a case moves through the court system."
Another hero Bala Rama, took a neutral standpoint, though he wished to aid Duryodhana, because he cannot fight against his brother Vasudeva Krishna, who had already joined the Pandavas.
In fact, the party adopted a neutral standpoint and urged (with only limited success) conscientious objection to war service.
Indeed, philosophers and scholars of religion increasingly affirm the inescapability of tradition, as they increasingly question the possibility of some perfectly neutral standpoint outside of all cultural or historical influences that shape a person's perspective.
Muckrakers still conformed to a neutral standpoint, but used their neutrality to dig deeper into the stories they were researching, which is why they ended up with as much information as they did.
And while Mr. Meinesz certainly summarizes at length the public positions of his adversaries, he was not in a position to interview them and to weigh their arguments from a neutral standpoint.
Kirkman felt that he had to responsibly approach controversial issues from a neutral standpoint and insisted that abortion should warrant discussion, considering the circumstances.
Jeff - Taipei City, Taiwan - 12 hours ago From a completely neutral standpoint...that dunk didn't "posterize" anyone.
The epoche, also known as phenomenological reduction or bracketing, involves approaching a phenomenon or phenomena from a neutral standpoint, instead of with our own particular attitudes.