Meanwhile, his research interests shifted to neutrino physics.
One of the major goals of neutrino physics is to determine whether at least some neutrinos have any mass, slight though it must be.
In addition, the Conference reviews the status of proposed research in neutrino physics and astrophysics.
The main area of Smirnov's research is neutrino physics and astrophysics.
Parke is also an expert on neutrino physics as well as the physics of the top quark.
Since then many new and fast paced developments have taken place in neutrino physics.
I pored over microfilm texts for an hour, and made myself wrestle with the unfamiliar language of neutrino physics.
In neutrino physics, he proposed an experiment using gallium/germanium detectors to detect solar neutrinos.
In future weeks we'll be covering subjects including Hinduism, the Iron Age and neutrino physics.
Specifically, it can be used to test the equivalence principle, to probe dark matter, and test neutrino physics.