Starquakes cause it to emit a neutrino pulse at unpredictable intervals.
It turns out that the neutrino pulse arrives on the exact day which everyone flashed forward to, at the exact time.
Astrophysicists concluded that the neutrino pulse came from the collapsing core of the exploding star.
"Humbly report got more neutrino pulses, sir," called the radar op.
Over a period of 6 minutes, this sequence was delivered by either the presence (1) or absence (0) of a neutrino pulse.
The basic signals from space, either radio waves or neutrino pulses, arrived in analog form.
Parse the neutrino pulses into analog data.
We've got a big neutrino pulse coming from the unreality node!
"Essentially we've been producing millisecond neutrino pulses," Dan said.
A person could get awful dead while that neutrino pulse crawled up and back.