From the start, Miller's work met with resistance as well as admiration, particularly from those who carried the banner of biological determinism in the never-ending nature-nurture debate.
A woman's right to choose is a never-ending moral and legal debate.
"We have lost a great deal of time in Quebec, for many years, in these never-ending debates," Mr. Parizeau told reporters.
Some callers to CJAD, a private English radio station, pointed out the bomb would end the never-ending debate over what to do with the Olympic Stadium.
EVERY study that tries to measure the effects of radiation on health adds to a never-ending debate.
"I try to explain to you guys and I think it will be a never-ending debate."
The findings could become part of the never-ending debate over the role that schools and environments can play in determining the test scores.
The American Political Science Association reviewed the book, saying that it was "a welcome addition to a never-ending debate".
Then add the never-ending debate over the separation of church and state and mix in the charge of discrimination.
(Whether the downsides versus the upsides justifies a complex design or not is food for a never-ending debate in certain circles.)