He was geocaching, the latest fad in the never-ending pursuit of ways to use sophisticated technology to accomplish useless things.
Scrat's never-ending pursuit of acorns has world-changing consequences, separating Manny, Sid and Diego from the rest, forcing them to stand up to a pirate gang, led by Captain Gutt.
While Dibble prefers to leave his volatile act on the mound, Myers's show never closes, as the grenades, the Soldier of Fortune camouflage wardrobe, the never-ending pursuit of mischief prove.
To lay a better foundation for its never-ending artistic pursuit, CU Chorus established charitable organization status with "CU Chorus Association" (a limited company) in January 2012.
The ultimate aim of human creation should be the never-ending pursuit and acquisition of knowledge.
If we had had to endure a never-ending depth-charge pursuit, had been forced to stay down for fifteen hours or so and resort to bottled oxygen, which created excess pressure inside the boat, the tension became almost unbearable.
It is because of this and the never-ending pursuit of excellence that a member of Omega Delta Sigma is, and always will be a scholar.
In the never-ending pursuit of the last laugh, Mr. McKay has commissioned a cartoon for a coming issue that shows a truck stacked high with copies of the magazine idling in front of an office building.
Major league baseball's odd, and seemingly never-ending, pursuit of Bud Selig for the position of commissioner has come to an end.