In both traditional and modern societies, it's common to find more never-married men than never-married women.
The percentages of never-married men (51%) and divorced men (8.8%) were among the county's highest.
First, a simple check of the study shows that the proportion of never-married men was higher in 1900 than it was in 1985.
This writer is a never-married, nice-looking man in the vicinity of 50.
Dr. Waehler said he decided to study never-married men because so little is known about what makes them tick.
Only one out of six never-married men over 40 will ever marry, he said.
Dr. Waehler, a 34-year-old bachelor, said that he hopes to continue studying never-married men.
The percentages of never-married women (61.5) and never-married men (67.2) were among the county's highest.
The percentages of never-married men and women, 50% and 48,2%, respectively, were among the county's highest.
There are also fewer never-married men than never-married women.