When the new Avengers team was formed, she was determined to join.
A new Avengers show will premiere in 2013 called Marvel's Avengers Assemble.
Norman introduces Gargan and the symbiote as the Amazing Spider-Man in his new Avengers.
In the wake of "Avengers Disassembled", two new Avengers series were created.
When new Avenger and Brutus trucks were made in 2008, Wrecking Crew became its own truck and not just a fill-in.
Thunderstrike, Stinger, J2 and Mainframe decide to stay together as the new Avengers.
Following Fear Itself, X-23 appears as one of the students at the new Avengers Academy.
Most of the new Avengers were children of established Marvel superheroes.
She is invited to join the Dream Team, a group of heroes who were going to become part of the new Avengers, A-Next.
Marvel had stated that they are "going to push him" in having a cameo in the new Avengers cartoon series".