He became the new Batman after Bruce's apparent death.
But in the new Batman , the score was apparently deemed insufficient.
Coulter is the new batman who replaces Bates, who has been killed.
Despite his role as the new Batman, Terry leads a very different, far less privileged life than Bruce.
This concerns Terry, who is in fact the new Batman.
It was almost inevitable that they should link up again when Warner's made the key decision to shoot their new "Batman" in England.
They are sent home on leave, but fail to notice that their new batman is actually wanted war criminal Otto Fisch.
He is thwarted by the new Batman and presumably killed when his mansion is destroyed.
McGinnis is prevented from doing so, which leads to him becoming the new Batman.
"You know," she said at last, "if you're not going to pick this mess up yourself you ought to at least choose a new batman."