A new Jaguar pulled under the parking overhang and a couple dressed head to toe in black started getting out.
This at a time when 60% of new Jaguars were sold in exchange for Jaguars.
We're really looking forward to the first road test of the new Jaguar.
Production of the new small Jaguar, the X type, started at Halewood in late 2000.
Carmel was long, sleek, and expensive, like a new Jaguar.
This happened on my first day with the stunning new Jaguar, and the scene was repeated often during a weeklong test drive.
The sales of new Jaguars, spurred by new styling on some popular models, have also been especially brisk.
Lane arrives home drunk to find that Rebecca has surprised him with a new Jaguar.
They could do as well with a new Jaguar.
Or will a new Jaguar do more to keep the good life strong?