For a moment, she and the new Patriarch stared at each other.
Andwhere the center of trade was, there would sit the new Patriarch.
However, the new patriarch died before he could take the oath of his new office.
Throughout the street battle, the new Patriarch had stood quietly a few feet behind her, along with three of his deacons.
A new patriarch was elected, theological schools were opened, and thousands of churches began to function.
The new patriarch established diplomatic contacts inside and outside the Patriarchate.
The new Patriarch is said to be fluent in seven languages, including English.
Sergii was released in 1927 and became the new Patriarch after he signed a declaration of loyalty to the state.
Else quickly related what he had heard last night and what that might mean in terms of the character of the new Patriarch.
When the mother church appointed a new Patriarch, many members of its American branch objected.