Luci is the self-sacrificing Spanish housewife, trapped between the old and new Spain.
But, insisted Adam Michnik, the Polish writer, "Poland is the new Spain, absolutely."
After the elections, it was necessary to write up a Constitution for the new Spain.
EVERYONE, it seems, wants to talk about the new Spain.
Mr. Zapatero wants nothing less than a brave new Spain, one that he said in the speech would be "modern, cultured, tolerant."
More than ever, he will be seen to personify the new Spain.
Madrid is at the forefront of a new, dynamic Spain.
This grand metropolis of the booming new Spain is feeling decidedly third rate in its de facto cultural competition with Barcelona and Seville this year.
Some were adventurers, others were starving in Franco's new Spain and joined for the food and clothes.
Candela had fought against Franco; therefore he could not stay in the new Spain as long as Franco was the head of state.