Good reports and exam results are rewarded with money, or something like a new T-shirt.
If you want to be more upfront about your concerns, try one of our new T-shirts.
The website began by offering one new T-shirt design every weekday.
Her choice would be limited if they were to go walking, although she had some new T-shirts.
The young soldiers, each wearing a new T-shirt proclaiming him a veteran, might have been leaving any army in the world.
He was clean and dressed in fresh jeans and a new T-shirt.
Well, they were announcing a bunch of new T-shirts.
Guess you'll have to pick up one of Charlie's new T-shirts to know for sure!
At that point, we'll need new T-shirts: "If you love something, you'll find a way to pay for it."
He got up, took a shower, combed his hair with care and put on a new black T-shirt.