The new amplifier has no tone control, but a set of six "Graphic Equalizers" that do alarming things to the music.
Recently, I re-entered the market, looking for some fairly high-end speakers and perhaps a new amplifier.
And both keep introducing new amplifiers, which boost the signals at regular intervals along the way.
I have heard you say that you wished that we could get the drawings of this new amplifier.
It appeared in the 1962-63 catalog along with a new linear amplifier, the HA-10 Warrior.
Consequently, newer amplifiers are based on designs with relatively low output impedance.
The P-15N introduced a more sensitive receiver which improved the detection range and a new amplifier for the transmitter.
You'll be going back to the medics later today for a new and better psi amplifier.
In 2010, Peavey released a new amplifier for the 6505 line, the 6534+.
Mr. Mullins is going to come out with a new amplifier and simply swap it.