In this way basic existential security may be maintained, but at the cost of being less able to desire new attachments to new objects.
Not only should an understanding be gained of a history of losses, but also of the potential for new attachments.
All these new attachments increase the current drain by over forty percent.
But most of those new attachments were provided for your subprojects.
Unlike this, it had never been voluntary, and she wasn't exactly sure how she felt about Kyle's extraordinary new attachment.
Each heavy direct pressure made a new attachment.
If a new attachment would make the machine double its production, I'd want that.
Amnesiacs always wander away from their homes and then - well, form new attachments.
It is certainly the time when the bereaved person begins to think about forming new attachments in various ways.
I remember feeling privileged to have witnessed such strength in the face of devastation and I felt a new attachment to the city.