- and an illustration he drew to go with a new ballad, "Childhood."
Jongleurs strolled the hall, singing the newest ballads and ditties.
Baby making music R&Bsinger Ne-Yo has found inspiration for a new ballad.
Glory lay all about them as new ballads were in the making at Underfall.
It was mixed with old and new, ballad and upbeat music.
"I'd better instruct Rags not to make up any more new ballads," Hada decided.
Traditional Chinese songs were interspersed with newer romantic ballads.
"I will be singing my new ballad, composed in celebration of Moreta!"
There hadn't been any new ballads for a long time, very few in fact since the Quileian caravans had stopped.
She started with one of her old standards, then quickly segued into her new ballads.