Settlements grew near the new coal and iron works.
The merchant put some new coals in the hookah, and inhaled deeply.
In 2001, Roberts bargained a new, five-year national coal agreement.
This standard created a de facto moratorium on new coal, since it could not be met without carbon capture and sequestration.
The best that will happen is that plans for new coal fired power stations may be changed to gas fired ones.
This has been achieved through the construction of new coal and nuclear plants, which accounted for almost all new electrical capacity.
Really, it needs to be 'no new coal unless you have 90% emissions reductions by 2020'.
In Colorado, we simply don't have the water to keep using these old sources of energy, particularly oil shale development or new coal fired power plants.
The new coal is expected to be used primarily for blending with higher-sulphur or dirtier types.
The monetary cost per unit of energy produced is similar to the cost for new coal and natural gas installations.