Throughout its tenure, the project was responsible for the discovery of 708 asteroids and one new comet.
The official announcement of the new comet finally happened on August 20, 1941.
And if he did, he'd just think it was some new comet.
The automatic telescopes discovered two new comets in 2004 and 2006.
From 2 December 1839 to 6 March 1840 he discovered three new comets.
Can two men belonging to different religions not at one and the same moment discover a new comet or an unknown law of mathematics?
Her work is honorable and admirable, but I wouldn't say that she's a new comet in the literary sky.
At one point, Warner offered a reward of $200 for each new comet discovered.
I'm going to make a whole series of documentaries about a new comet.
But this seems to be a new comet.