Some people, she said, would simply adjust to the new cost and go back to their old habits.
"It may mean a new cost of doing business for us, but it's the right thing to do," he said.
But they were far less confident that the state and the city would pick up the new costs without a fight.
From now to the year 2000 or 2005 everything on the horizon means new costs.
But these taxes would not raise nearly enough money to cover all the Government's new costs.
But such an expansion would also add large new costs.
That is about 2.2 percent of all claims, a small but steadily growing new cost.
On a $500,000 apartment, for example, the new costs could come to $20,000 or more.
It would also impose huge new costs on that same economy and cost jobs.
In addition, state officials said, they will have new costs.