Either way, the charges, if proved, appear to give the board new credibility.
Or has a small minority party gained new credibility and priceless publicity.
We know oil-rich regimes purchase their safety and others a dubious new credibility in Western eyes.
The movie gave them new credibility and is no longer considered to be an inaccurate choice.
But he says auto designers may "squander this new credibility very rapidly."
And we need a fresh start, a new credibility, a president who can bring allies to our side.
This promotion lends new credibility to online music distribution.
The medical profession used the new credibility of laboratory science as a weapon against secret remedies sold directly to the public.
The behavioral finance school gained new credibility following the October 1987 stock market crash.
But "Sheets" helped the group earn new credibility in the industry and assured their legendary status.