Ged, it is a new creed for me to be preaching!
"Say as little as possible" seemed to be the new creed among the palace servants when faced with their king.
More significantly, we are told that the war has united Americans and made them better people, with a new ethic and a new creed.
So the City of Dawinno wasn't the only place plagued by an absurd new creed?
His commitment to his new creed was relatively short-lived, however.
The new creed had its prophet, and now it had its gospel too.
It wasn't until the early 70's that someone gave nouvelle cuisine a label and pulled together the components into a new creed.
The council, including some supporters of the older creed, adopted the newer creed.
Or is Tomás trying to retain his own beliefs under the guise of the new creed?
Why not let him recite our new creed?