If not then we will continue to oppose this new dictatorship because that is exactly what it is.
The new military dictatorship said it would remain in power for a maximum of two years to allow time for democratic institutions to be implemented.
But he also warned bluntly that "reactionary forces" were moving aggressively to impose a new "dictatorship."
This will occur without respect to the situation in Iraq - whether civil war, democracy, fragmentation, new dictatorship or total anarchy.
Yes, I have heard some mutter that this was but the preamble to a new dictatorship.
On the one hand, Western states are asking it to help isolate the new dictatorship in Fiji.
But Iraq's scientists clearly know how to make those weapons and if continued chaos leads to a new dictatorship, covert work might resume.
As things stand at the moment, it looks to me as if he is leading the country into a new dictatorship.
Under such conditions, he said, "we may become prisoners of another authoritarian regime, of a new dictatorship, without even noticing it."
Dispersing power, without provoking chaos that will bring some new dictatorship, turns out to be harder than amassing it.