Thousands of soldiers and civilians worked around the clock to build miles of new dikes and reinforce old ones.
A new higher and stronger dike between it and the sea makes it no longer the first barrier to the sea.
It was then considered safe to build a new dike around this area.
And then in the middle distance, dividing desert from ice, ran the new dike, like a raw brown scar, suturing two separate realities together.
Halfway through the 20th century a new dike further out to sea was constructed.
Despite some dissension, a clear majority of residents side with the building of the new dike.
In the 20th century a new dike was constructed again and the beachhouse lost its function, no longer being on the coast.
The Greenway includes the lands that sit between these new dikes and the rivers.
This was the new dike, Coyote told them, built by a robot collection pulled from the Elysium mohole.
In 1334 a new dike was built between Medemblik and Barsingerhorn.