The general is going to introduce you to a new drill for the same procedure.
We've got these new drills, and when you mess up, he doesn't yell.
The joint patrols will require both sides to practice new drills and learn to work together despite differences in military training, the officers said.
The new drill will be used to begin excavations for the tunnel in April 2009.
I've needed a new drill for a while and have picked my builder's brains.
Every two weeks or so she went back for an evaluation and new drills to do at home.
Now you are doing these new drills and you're being told to slow down rather than speed up.
A full 18 hours passed before a new high-power drill arrived.
Confused, the players tried the new drill and messed it up.
I'd have thought you'd be home working on game plans or devising new drills.