The corvette was diverted north, toward this new emission.
The introduction was delayed for approximately six months due to technical issues with the new emissions control system.
In 1729 there was a new emission of $150,000 to be reduced one-sixteenth a year.
By law, new emissions cannot contribute so many pollutants that they push the region back out of compliance.
Government authorities say that aggressive efforts to halt new emissions have been blunted by the city's rapid recent economic and industrial growth.
Federal and California regulators are drafting new, tougher emissions regulations that could be hard for diesel engines to meet.
This act began to inform the public about the hazards of air pollution and detailed new emissions standards.
Thus the name of the game is to stop adding new emissions to the vast amounts already up there, not simply to slow their growth.
Just a brief remark about the second point, the new emission limit values.
Although large V8s were still available, performance was on the decline due to another federal standard-a new emissions control system.