In 2004, Babangida signed a $2 million contract to bring new footballs to Nigeria.
If city planners are looking to new football and baseball stadiums as a solution to decades of social ills, they had better think again.
We're a forward as many ideas for improving new football.
His smile was the same as any boy given a new football to play with.
The new football season's just over a week away.
"We just got our new footballs with your name on 'em," Manning said.
He then led a committee to secure the necessary funds for a new football and jerseys that were nearly the same color.
It coined the phrase "old soccer, new football" to emphasise this.
With this a new football board of management which has improved the off field game plan.
It would, eventually be flipped around due to the use of the field for football and the new football stadium.