The big question now is whether the nation should scale up this system to include the markings made by virtually all new handguns and rifles.
The new handguns have proved "more suitable for use in crime," he writes.
In the short term, the law specifies that all new handguns must be sold with trigger locks.
Major manufacturers already include trigger locks with most new handguns sold - the industry says it is more than 90 percent.
He would require states to create photo licenses for buyers of new handguns.
A new handgun is produced every 20 seconds.
He claims "68 percent of Americans want new handguns to be personalized."
Fodil provides him with new handguns, a car, and a driver's license.
I think states should do that for new handguns, because too many criminals are getting guns.
Would require the inclusion of trigger locks with all new handguns sold.